Rules:1. the rules of the
game get posted at the beginning
2. each player answers the questions about themselves
3. at the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog.
koi da di tag oleh suhaimi..demi mengisi masa senggang nih koi jawab la ek..
starting time: ikut jam aku 1533, ikut jam pc cc ni 2145 haha..pilih ikut sesuai ek
mohd nor fadzli bin osman @ abd rahman..kudabesi tu bukan nama sebenar
norlailie osman
mohd firdaus osman
shoe size
x yah tau la =)
cukup la klu nak masuk jd pramugara haha
where do u live?
chenor bukan chernobyl..somewhere in the deep jungle haha
kadang2 jd pemuastatin kat ipba..lembah pantai darul izzah hehe
have u been on plane?
what plane? haha saya suka jalan kaki jer..alam selamat..jantung sihat..ekonomi jimat
alasan jer tu
swam in the ocean?
x leh terapung tanpa biasa la gi outdoor kat langkawi, pangkor..huhu capsized kan kayak kira swam la tu dak?
fallen asleep in school?
haha susah nak tdo kat sekolah ni tak kondusif la..patut kusi tu lembut sket
broken someone's heart?
entah..sapa nak bagi tau..
fell off your chair?
biasa la.
sat by the phone and waited all night for someone to call?
haha sapa nak call aku..malam2..tdo aku bermakna sangat
saved emails?
yup ada beribu emel dalam inbox..aku suka join yahoo group
what is your room like?
biasa jer..kat umah bersih la..kat ostel lagi bersih haha
what's right beside you?
deretan pc
what was the last thing you ate?
nasi lemak mak buat
ever had chicken pox?
like picnics?suka2
who was/were the last person you dance with?
menari nope?
who do you last yelled at?
aritu aku ngamuk haha
today did you talk to someone you like
adik aku..
kissed anyone? glam rock satu masa dulu..lelaki kucing sume nih
get sick?yup
talk to an ex?yup..ex classmate, school mate, roommate
missed someone?ya
who do you really hate?
entah lah..
do you like your handwriting?
haha perlu diperbaiki lg..
are your toenails painted?
tak de keja
whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in?
x tau..x suke tdo2 tmpat org nih
what colour shirt are you wearing now?putih..baju levis suhaimi bg
are you a friendly person?saya introvert..
do you have any pets?digimon aku la
do you sleep with the
tv on?
what are you doing right now?jwb benda nih
can you handle the truth?depends. (sama cam semi)
are you closer to your mother or father?
mak ayah
do you eat healthy?
ya..minum coke setiap minggu
do you still have pictures of you and your ex?
amenda la..gambo ngan ex schoolmate dlm majalah skola ada la
if u're having a bad day, who would you most likely go to?
Pegawai Meteorologi, Jabatan Kaji Cuaca haha
are you loud or quiet most of the time?
ye..kadang2 loud gak kdg2 quiet
are you confident?
saya yakin!!!! haha
5 things i did 10 years ago:
1. tgk SUKOM 98 kat tv hehe
2. tgk team pilihan aku, brazil kalah world cup
3. aku pg rombongan teakhir sbagai plajar skola ke KLIA, Bkt Jalil, KLCC..lepas tu aku x join da rombongan skola nih.
4. pustakawan skbb
5. ahli PBSM yg berjaya huhu
5 things i would do if i am a billionaire:
1. bukak deadclown group of company secepat mungkin
2. masuk kelab billlionair melayu..wat yayasan pendidikan utk wat skola elit haha
3. bayar zakat, pg haji, derma
4. aku beli superbike, keta sport ngan leisure, bot..
5. beli collected item cam pistol, keris lama, lukisan baru cam orang kaya
5 of my bad habits:
1. minum byk sgt air gas
2. pemalas
3. jarang rajin
4. lazy
5. panas baran haha
5 places i used to live in:
1. Kg Bukit Lada
2. Jengka 25 time cuti skola dulu2..lepak2 kat gunung senyum
3. asrama pantai puri
aku duk x banyak tempat huhu..sayang nak tinggal2 umah nih
Right. Now i tag:
1.sesapa yg nak jawab